
The Reminder command allows you to create, view, and delete reminders. You can set a reminder for a specific duration (e.g., 1 hour, 1 day) and manage your reminders through an interactive menu.

How to Use

1. View the Reminder Menu

  • Prefix Usage: -reminder Running this command will show a menu with three options:

    • Create: Create a new reminder.

    • List: View your existing reminders.

    • Delete: Delete a reminder.

  • Slash Usage: /reminder Running this command will show the same menu with the options to create, list, or delete a reminder.

2. Create a Reminder

  • Select Create from the menu.

  • You will be prompted to enter:

    • Reminder Text: What you want to be reminded of.

    • Duration: How long you want to wait before being reminded (e.g., 1h, 1d).

3. List Your Reminders

  • Select List from the menu.

  • You can select a reminder to see more details about it.

4. Delete a Reminder

  • Select Delete from the menu.

  • You can select a reminder to delete it.

For further assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.

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