The /counters
or -counters
command allows server administrators to set up and manage dynamic channels that display counters for the total number of users, real members, or bots in your server. These counters automatically update every hour.
You need the ManageGuild permission to use the /counters
How to Use the Command
Trigger the Command You can use the command with either the slash or prefix:
Select an Option After triggering the command, you will be prompted to choose one of the following options:
Option 1: Create
Select Create to set up a new counter. You will be prompted to:
Choose the type of counter:
Users: Counts all users in the server.
Members: Counts only real members (excludes bots).
Bots: Counts only bots in the server.
Name your counter: Enter a custom name for the counter channel.
Option 2: Delete
Select Delete to remove an existing counter. You will be prompted to choose which counter to delete.
Option 3: List
Select List to view information about an existing counter. You will be prompted to select a counter to display details such as its type and current value.
Additional Information
Counters automatically update every hour to reflect the latest server statistics.
Use meaningful names for counters to keep your server organized.
Permissions Needed
To use the /counters
command, ensure that you have the ManageGuild permission in your server.
For further assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.
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