
The /backup or -backup command allows server administrators to manage server backups. You can create, delete, load, and list backups to ensure your server’s settings and configurations are preserved. This command lets you save and restore your server’s roles, channels, and permissions.

You need the Administrator permission to use the /backup command.

How to Use the Command

  1. Trigger the Command You can use the command with either the slash or prefix:

    • /backup

    • -backup

  2. Select an Option After triggering the command, you will be prompted to choose one of the following options:

Option 1: Create

Select Create to generate a new backup of your server. This will clone your server’s roles, channels, and permissions. Note that this backup will not include bot settings or any Discord-linked settings other than channel and role configurations.

Option 2: Load

Select Load to restore a previously saved backup. You will be able to choose which backup to load and apply it to your server.

Option 3: Delete

Select Delete to remove a saved backup. You will be prompted to choose which backup you want to delete.

Option 4: List

Select List to view information about a saved backup. This allows you to choose a backup and see details such as the date it was created and the configurations it includes.

Permissions Needed

To use the /backup command, ensure that you have the Administrator permission in your server.

For further assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.

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