The AFK command allows you to manage your AFK status or configure the AFK system in your server. You can set your own AFK status with a reason, manage AFK settings, and enable or disable the system for your server. The command supports both prefix and slash usage.
You need the ManageGuild permission for some options in the AFK system management.
How to Use
1. Set Your AFK Status
Prefix Usage:
-afk [reason]
Set your AFK status with a custom reason. For example,-afk Sleeping
.Slash Usage:
/afk set [reason]
Set your AFK status with a custom reason using the slash command.
2. Manage AFK Settings
Prefix Usage:
-afk manage
Opens the management options for the AFK system. You can manage settings like status, username changes, and roles.Slash Usage:
/afk manage
Opens the management menu where you can enable/disable the AFK system, modify the AFK username prefix, and assign roles for AFK users.
Manage Options:
AFK Status (Requires ManageGuild): Enable or disable the AFK system in your server.
Enable: The AFK system is active, and members who set their AFK status will have "[AFK]" added to their username.
Disable: The AFK system is inactive, and "[AFK]" will not be added to usernames.
AFK Username Change: When enabled, members who are AFK will have "[AFK]" displayed next to their username. You can toggle this setting on or off for your personal preference.
AFK Role (Requires ManageGuild): Assign a role to members who set their AFK status. You can select the role to be given to users who are AFK.
3. View AFK Information
Prefix Usage:
-afk info [member]
View the AFK status and reason for a specific member.Slash Usage:
/afk info [member]
View the AFK status and reason for a specific member.
For further assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.
Last updated
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