The Tickets command allows you to configure and manage the ticketing system for your server.
You need the ManageGuild permission to use this command.
Enable or disable the ticket system.
Fill out a form to create a ticket message, including:
Title: The message title.
Description: The message description.
Footer: Footer text for the message.
Select a channel to send the ticket message, where users can open tickets.
Add: Create a new category for tickets by specifying:
Name: The category name.
Description: The category description.
Create Message: The message shown when creating tickets in this category.
Staff Roles: Roles that can manage tickets in this category.
Mention Roles: Roles to be mentioned when a ticket is opened.
Edit: Modify an existing category by updating the name, description, create message, staff roles, or mention roles.
Remove: Delete an existing category.
Set: Specify the maximum number of tickets a user can have open at once.
Remove: Remove the ticket limit.
Set: Choose a channel for logging ticket activities.
Enable/Disable: Turn ticket logging on or off.
Single Ticket:
Enable or disable the option to allow each user only one open ticket at a time.
For more assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.
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