
The Tickets command allows you to configure and manage the ticketing system for your server.

You need the ManageGuild permission to use this command.


  • Command: /tickets or -tickets


  1. Status:

    • Enable or disable the ticket system.

  2. Setup:

    • Fill out a form to create a ticket message, including:

      • Title: The message title.

      • Description: The message description.

      • Footer: Footer text for the message.

    • Select a channel to send the ticket message, where users can open tickets.

  3. Categories:

    • Add: Create a new category for tickets by specifying:

      • Name: The category name.

      • Description: The category description.

      • Create Message: The message shown when creating tickets in this category.

      • Staff Roles: Roles that can manage tickets in this category.

      • Mention Roles: Roles to be mentioned when a ticket is opened.

    • Edit: Modify an existing category by updating the name, description, create message, staff roles, or mention roles.

    • Remove: Delete an existing category.

  4. Limit:

    • Set: Specify the maximum number of tickets a user can have open at once.

    • Remove: Remove the ticket limit.

  5. Logs:

    • Set: Choose a channel for logging ticket activities.

    • Enable/Disable: Turn ticket logging on or off.

  6. Single Ticket:

    • Enable or disable the option to allow each user only one open ticket at a time.

For more assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.

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