
The Starboard command allows you to set up a system where messages that surpass a certain number of star reactions are sent to a designated channel for recognition.

You need the ManageGuild permission to use /starboard or -starboard.

How to Use

  1. Trigger the Command You can use the command with either the slash or prefix:

    • /starboard

    • -starboard

  2. Select an Option After triggering the command, you will be prompted to choose one of the following options:


Enable or disable the starboard feature:

  • Enable: Activates the starboard system, allowing messages to be sent to the starboard channel when they receive the set number of reactions.

  • Disable: Deactivates the starboard system.


Select the channel where starred messages will be sent once they surpass the set star reaction limit.


Set the number of star emoji reactions required for a message to be sent to the starboard channel.

Additional Information

  • Messages that receive the required number of star reactions will be forwarded to the starboard channel automatically.

  • Make sure to choose a channel that is easily accessible for users to view the most popular messages.

Permissions Needed

Ensure you have the ManageGuild permission to use this feature.

For further assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.

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