
The Nuke command allows you to completely clear a channel of all messages by deleting and recreating it.

You need the ManageChannels permission to use /nuke or -nuke.

How to Use

  1. Trigger the Command You can use the command with either the slash or prefix:

    • /nuke

    • -nuke

  2. Confirm the Action After running the command, you will be prompted with a confirmation:

    • Yes: Confirms the action. The current channel will be deleted and then cloned, effectively removing all messages.

    • No: Cancels the action, and nothing will happen.

Additional Information

  • The Nuke command is irreversible. Once confirmed, all messages in the channel will be permanently removed.

  • The cloned channel will retain the original channel's name, permissions, and settings.

Permissions Needed

Ensure you have the ManageChannels permission to execute this command.

For further assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.

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