The /autorole
or -autorole
command allows server administrators to automatically assign roles to new members as they join the server. You can configure the bot to either enable or disable this feature or choose a specific role to be given to new members.
You need the ManageGuild and ManageRoles permissions to use the /autorole
How to Use the Command
Trigger the Command You can use the command with either the slash or prefix:
Select an Option After triggering the command, you will be prompted to choose between two options:
Status: Enables or disables the AutoRole feature.
Role: Select the role to be given to new members upon joining.
Option 1: Set Status
If you select Status, you can either:
Enable: Turns on the AutoRole feature, and new users will be automatically assigned a role.
Disable: Turns off the AutoRole feature, and new users will not receive any roles upon joining.
Option 2: Set Role
If you select Role, you will be able to choose a role from the select menu. This role will automatically be assigned to new users who join the server.
Permissions Needed
To use the /autorole
command, ensure that you have the ManageGuild and ManageRoles permissions in your server.
For further assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.
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