
The Economy command allows you to configure and manage the entire economy system for your server, including server-wide settings, jobs, shop items, and more.

You need the ManageGuild permission to access and manage server-wide economy settings. Without this permission, you can only configure your personal economy settings.

How to Use

  1. Trigger the Command Use the command with either the slash or prefix:

    • /economy

    • -economy

  2. Select an Option Based on your permissions, you will have access to various options:


Enable or disable the economy system for the server or yourself.

  • Enable: Activates the economy system.

  • Disable: Deactivates the economy system.

Robbing Status

Enable or disable the ability to take part in the robbing in the economy system.

  • Enable: Allows the user to rob other users and other users to rob the user.

  • Disable: Disables robbing.


Manage the server's shop items.

  • Add: Add a new item to the shop.

    1. Fill out the form with the item's details (name, description, price).

    2. Choose whether to include a thumbnail:

      • Yes: Upload an image for the item’s thumbnail.

      • No: Skip this step.

    3. Optionally, select a role:

      • This role will be given to the user when they purchase the item.

    4. The item is added based on your selections.

  • Remove: Delete an existing item from the shop.


Manage jobs for the economy system.

  • Add: Add a new job to the system.

    1. Fill out the form with the following details:

      • Name: Job name.

      • Description: Job description.

      • Cooldown: Time between job usage.

      • Minimum Pay: Minimum pay for the job.

      • Maximum Pay: Maximum pay for the job.

    2. Choose whether to add a thumbnail:

      • Yes: Upload an image for the job’s thumbnail.

      • No: Skip this step.

    3. Optionally, set a required role:

      • Users must have this role to access the job.

    4. Choose whether to add a reward role:

      • Yes: Select a role to reward users for signing up.

      • No: Skip this step.

  • Remove: Delete an existing job from the system.


Change the currency used in the server’s economy.

  • Enter the new currency name, and it will be updated for the server.


Configure the server’s bank branding.

  • Name: Enter a new name for the bank.

  • Description: Provide a new description for the bank.

  • Thumbnail: Upload a new image to serve as the bank’s thumbnail.

Permissions Needed

  • ManageGuild for server-wide configurations.

For further assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.

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