The Economy command allows you to configure and manage the entire economy system for your server, including server-wide settings, jobs, shop items, and more.
You need the ManageGuild permission to access and manage server-wide economy settings. Without this permission, you can only configure your personal economy settings.
How to Use
Trigger the Command Use the command with either the slash or prefix:
Select an Option Based on your permissions, you will have access to various options:
Enable or disable the economy system for the server or yourself.
Enable: Activates the economy system.
Disable: Deactivates the economy system.
Robbing Status
Enable or disable the ability to take part in the robbing in the economy system.
Enable: Allows the user to rob other users and other users to rob the user.
Disable: Disables robbing.
Manage the server's shop items.
Add: Add a new item to the shop.
Fill out the form with the item's details (name, description, price).
Choose whether to include a thumbnail:
Yes: Upload an image for the item’s thumbnail.
No: Skip this step.
Optionally, select a role:
This role will be given to the user when they purchase the item.
The item is added based on your selections.
Remove: Delete an existing item from the shop.
Manage jobs for the economy system.
Add: Add a new job to the system.
Fill out the form with the following details:
Name: Job name.
Description: Job description.
Cooldown: Time between job usage.
Minimum Pay: Minimum pay for the job.
Maximum Pay: Maximum pay for the job.
Choose whether to add a thumbnail:
Yes: Upload an image for the job’s thumbnail.
No: Skip this step.
Optionally, set a required role:
Users must have this role to access the job.
Choose whether to add a reward role:
Yes: Select a role to reward users for signing up.
No: Skip this step.
Remove: Delete an existing job from the system.
Change the currency used in the server’s economy.
Enter the new currency name, and it will be updated for the server.
Configure the server’s bank branding.
Name: Enter a new name for the bank.
Description: Provide a new description for the bank.
Thumbnail: Upload a new image to serve as the bank’s thumbnail.
Permissions Needed
ManageGuild for server-wide configurations.
For further assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.
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