
The Ranking command allows you to configure the ranking system in your server. You can enable or disable the system, customize messages, assign roles based on levels, and modify the appearance of rank cards.

You need the ManageGuild permission for this command.

How to Use

  1. Trigger the Command Use the command with either the slash or prefix:

    • /ranking

    • -ranking

  2. Configure the Ranking System

    • Status: Enable or disable the ranking system by selecting the Status option.

    • Levelup Message: Customize the message sent when a user levels up. Use the following syntax in the message:

      • {{member:username}} - Displays the member's username.

      • {{member:mention}} - Mentions the member.

      • {{level}} - Displays the member's new level.

    • Levelup Channel: Set a channel where level-up messages will be sent.

    • Levelup Roles: Assign roles to members when they reach specific levels:

      • Add Role: Select roles to be given to members upon leveling up.

      • Remove Role: Remove roles assigned to members upon leveling up.

    • Rank Card: Customize the appearance of rank cards by changing:

      • Background color

      • Text color

      • Border color

      • Bar color

For further assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.

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