The Suggestion command allows server administrators to configure and manage the suggestion system.
You need the ManageGuild permission to use this command.
Configuration Options
Enable or disable the suggestion system.
Select a channel where new suggestions will be sent.
Approved Channel
Set a channel where approved suggestions will be sent.
Rejected Channel
Set a channel where rejected suggestions will be sent.
Top Rated Suggestions
Status: Enable or disable the top-rated suggestions feature.
Channel: Select a channel where top-rated suggestions will be sent.
Limit: Set the minimum number of upvotes required for a suggestion to be considered top-rated.
Set a locked message at the bottom of the suggestion channel with instructions on how to submit suggestions.
Staff Role
Assign staff roles that will be able to manage suggestions using buttons (Approve, Reject, Delete).
For further assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.
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