The Verification command allows you to manage the verification system in your server. You can configure the verification process, set actions for failed attempts, and assign roles to verified users.
You need the ManageGuild and ManageRoles permissions to use this command.
How to Use
1. Access the Manage Menu
Prefix Usage:
Running this command will open the manage menu.Slash Usage:
/verification configure
Running this command will open the manage menu as well.
2. Manage the Verification System
In the manage menu, you have the following options:
Status: You can either enable or disable the verification system.
Setup: Choose the channel where the verification menu will be sent. After setup, the verification menu will be sent to that channel.
Verification Type: Select the type of verification:
CAPTCHA: Users will need to solve a CAPTCHA to get verified.
BUTTON: Users will click a button to verify themselves.
Action: Choose what happens if a user fails the verification after 3 attempts:
Role: Choose the role that users will receive after they are verified.
Logs: Select the channel where verification logs will be sent.
Captcha Lines: Enable or disable lines on the CAPTCHA image.
3. Verify a Member Manually
Prefix Usage:
-verify [member]
with the user you want to verify manually.Slash Usage:
/verification verify [member]
with the user you want to verify manually.
For further assistance, refer to the bot's help menu or contact our support server.
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